Venice Glass Week 2021

The fifth edition of "The Venice Glass Week"
festival dedicates to the art of glass
venice glass week

The “Venice Glass Week” is the international festival that the city of Venice dedicates to glass art, offering both a program of events – exhibitions, demonstrations, guided tours – and special digital events that place reflection on the “glass making” today.

The international festival was established in 2017 to celebrate, support and promote the art of glass, the artistic and economic activity for which Venice has been known around the world for more than 1,000 years. The fifth edition #VivaVetro! will be held from 4 to 17 September 2021.

The art and craft of glassmaking is deeply embedded in Venice’s DNA, and thanks to the knowledge and skills that have been handed down and evolved over the centuries, Murano glass continues to be one of Italy’s most famous exports, admired and celebrated around the world.

The Venice Glass Week festival is promoted by the Municipality of Venice, and organized by the Venice Civic Museums Foundation, “Le Stanze Del Vetro” – Giorgio Cini Foundation, Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts and the Promovetro Murano Consortium.


Location: Venice and Murano

Schedule: September 4 – 17, 2021

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