Venice before its origins

Venice before its origins
5 conferences in Marciana National Library

The collaboration between Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana and Centro Studi Torcellani continues to propose a series of meetings with Venetian and lagoon themes. The cycle of 5 conferences between October and December 2021 is also enriched by the collaboration of IUAV, the famous Venetian University of Architecture and Design.

This year’s theme is “Venezia prima delle origini” (Venice before its origins). These conferences will investigate the real date of birth of the city and the beginning of the legend of its origins, a legend that will be very successful in the following centuries, and what will be the consequences of this myth entering history.

Since their first edition, the conferences have obtained considerable feedback from the public and critics, both for the topics covered by the many experts in the field, widely recognized in the international cultural scene, and for their scientific-popular style that has made the various themes of the meetings accessible to all.

Each meeting will be introduced by the greeting of Dr. Stefano Campagnolo, director of the Marciana National Library of Venice and will be coordinated by Prof. Lorenzo Braccesi (former professor of Greek and Roman history at the universities of Turin, Venice and Padua), with Maddalena Bassani (IUAV, Venice) and Marco Molin (Centro Studi Torcellani).


  • Thursday, October 7, 2021 – 4:30 PM – Archaeology and digital technology for the investigation of the lagoon of Venice
  • Thursday, October 21, 2021 – 4:30 PM – Greekness in the lagoon and surroundings
  • Thursday, November 11, 2021 – 4:30 PM – Altino in the lagoon. A legacy dispersed among the islands?
  • Thursday, November 25, 2021 – 4:30 PM – A pagan history of humanity in San Marco. The reliefs of the Marciana Library
  • Thursday, December 16, 2021 – 4:30 PM – The Adriatic myth in the Greek tragedians


Location: Monumental Rooms of the Marciana National Library, Piazzetta San Marco, Venice

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