The prestigious Sale Apollinee of La Fenice Opera House is set to host an extraordinary musical celebration on Sunday, December 17, featuring the immensely talented Trio Sideris. This remarkable event marks the 25th anniversary of the Italian-Hungarian Cultural Association of the Triveneto, a momentous occasion organized by the Hungarian Consulate in Venice and the esteemed Association, with support from the Hungarian Embassy in Rome and the Hungarian Academy in Rome.
The Trio Sideris, comprising the exceptional musicians Rachele Bonaffini on piano, Daniel Jankovics on violin, and Federico Galligioni on cello, promises an enchanting evening filled with classical masterpieces. As part of their musical tribute, they will present a captivating repertoire that pays homage to renowned composers.
The audience can look forward to experiencing the emotive and evocative compositions of Ferenc Liszt, with performances of Liszt’s “Tristia” and “La Vallée d’Obermann”, showcasing the trio’s profound musicality and technical prowess. Additionally, the trio will mesmerize attendees with Joseph Haydn’s beloved “Gypsy trio”, a piano trio cherished for its spirited and vibrant melodies. To conclude this illustrious evening, the Trio Sideris will grace the audience with Ludwig van Beethoven’s powerful and emotive “Piano Trio Op. No. 3”, a true masterpiece that exemplifies Beethoven’s brilliance.
This concert not only celebrates the cultural synergy between Italy and Hungary but also honors the rich legacy of these iconic composers through the mesmerizing interpretations by the gifted Trio Sideris. It’s an evening that promises to transport attendees on a captivating musical journey filled with beauty, emotion, and virtuosity.
Location: La Fenice Opera House, Venice
Schedule: Dec. 17, 2023