The Malibran Theater is set to host a spectacular revival of Antonio Vivaldi’s opera “Il Tamerlano” from June 7 to 15, 2024. This enthralling tragedy in three acts, with a libretto penned by Agostino Piovene, delves into the powerful narrative of the Ottoman sultan Bajazet and the Mongolian leader Tamerlane. Vivaldi’s composition presents a unique blend of his own works and those of other composers, a customary practice of the time that enhances the sheer power of Vivaldi’s signature style.
Originally premiered in 1735 during the Carnival season at the Philharmonic Theater of Verona, this rendition of “Il Tamerlano” promises a captivating and immersive experience. A new production at the Malibran Theater, helmed by the seasoned specialists Diego Fasolis as conductor and Fabio Ceresa as director, supported by sets crafted by Massimo Checchetto and costumes designed by Giuseppe Palella, ensures a fresh and evocative presentation.
The opera stars an exceptional cast featuring Renato Dolcini as Bajazet, Sonia Prina as Tamerlane, Raffaele Pe as Andronicus, and Lucia Cirillo as Irene. The commanding performances promise to transport audiences into the intricacies of this timeless tale.
Backed by the masterful renditions of the La Fenice Theater Orchestra under the baton of Diego Fasolis, this production of “Il Tamerlano” is set to grace the Malibran Theater on June 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15, 2024. It’s an unmissable opportunity to witness the grandeur of Vivaldi’s opera magnificently brought to life in a spectacular and emotive rendition.
Location: Malibran Theater
Schedule: June 7 – 15, 2024