Scherzi Musicali and Nicolas Achten

Scherzi Musicali and Nicolas Achten
at La Fenice Opera House
Scherzi Musicali and Nicolas Achten

In collaboration with the “Musikàmera” association, a concert by the ensemble “Scherzi Musicali” with Nicolas Achten on Thursday, April 27, 2023, is staged in the Sale Apollinee of La Fenice Theater.

Nicolas Achten studied singing, lute, harpsichord and ancient harp at the Royal Conservatories of Brussels and The Hague, completing his training in various master classes, notably at the Baroque Academy of Ambronay and at the Centre de la Voix de Royaumont. Since 2004 he has been invited by prestigious early music ensembles and is now one of the few classical singers to accompany himself, returning to historical practice. Eager to deepen this approach and put his research into practice, he founded the ensemble “Scherzi Musicali“, whose concerts throughout Europe and recordings have been unanimously acclaimed by audiences and the international press.

The concert program includes:

  • Giovanni Felice Sances, Occhi sfere vivaci – Chi nel regno almo d’amore – Tirsi morir volea
  • Giulio Caccini, Alme luci beate – Odi Euterpe – Tutto’l di piango Amarilli – Romanesca (Torna, deh, torna) – O dolce fonte
  • Settimia Caccini, Se miei tormenti
  • Francesca Caccini, Io mi distruggo – O vive rose labbr’amorose – Lasciatemi qui solo
  • Claudio Monteverdi, Si dolce è’l tormento – Voglio di vita uscir – Quel sguardo sdegnosetto


Location: La Fenice Opera House, Venice

Schedule: April 27, 2023

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