Principato di Monaco Trophy 2024

Vintage Sailing in the Lagoon
from June 28 to 30, 2024
Principato di Monaco Trophy 2024

For years, the last weekend of June has marked a fixed event in Venice’s lagoon: the “Principato di Monaco Trophy – Le Vele d’Epoca in Laguna”. From 28-30 June 2024, this unique and elegant regatta, organized in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of the Principality of Monaco in Venice, Anna Licia Balzan, will once again captivate the exclusive world of classic boats.

Now in its 11th edition, the Trophy is a key event for vintage sailing in the Adriatic. The setting of the iconic Venetian lagoon and the historical significance of the participating boats, moored at the Arsenale—a symbol of Venetian maritime heritage—add to the regatta’s prestige.

The regattas kick off on Friday, 28 June, with the 5.50 Meter S.I. class boats competing for the prestigious Enoshima Trophy. This famous metric class, originating in England in 1949, boasts around 800 hulls worldwide. The Principato di Monaco Trophy continues with two regattas on Saturday, 29 June, and Sunday, 30 June, applying the C.I.M. (Comité International de la Méditerranée) ratings.

A highlight of the event is the traditional sailing parade on Sunday at 11:00 am. This spectacle features a fleet of famous Riva motorboats and vintage sails parading in front of the San Marco banks. Coinciding with the regatta is the annual Riva Days gathering, organized by the Riva Historical Society. Over 40 boats from Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Holland, England, and the USA are expected.

Under the sporting direction of Mirko Sguario, founder and president of the Venice Yacht Club, and in collaboration with Circolo Velico PortodiMare, Salone Nautico Venezia, and Vela Spa, the event benefits from the patronage of the Marina Militare, Le Città in Festa, and A.I.V.E. Italian Association of Vintage Sails.


Location: San Marco Basin, Venice

Schedule: June 28 – 30, 2024

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