Power and Prestige

Power & Prestige
Symbols of command in Oceania
Power and Prestige

As well as being multifaceted, original and innovative, the new exhibition scheduled until March 13, 2022 at Palazzo Franchetti is promoted by the Giancarlo Ligabue Foundation, which once again leads to discover the artistic beauty and cultural and symbolic elements of distant worlds and civilizations.

The exhibition “Power & Prestige. Symbols of Command in Oceania”, curated by Steven Hooper, director of the Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas at the University of East Anglia in the UK – one of the leading international experts on the subject – and co-promoted by the Musée du quai Branly in Paris, the museum with the largest collection of ethnographic art in the world, which will host the collection in a second location, brings together for the first time in Italy and Europe 126 sticks of command: clubs of extraordinary beauty with different functions, made in the 18th and 19th centuries, about ten of which belong to the Ligabue Collection.

An exhibition that can be considered a milestone, being the first one entirely dedicated to these artifacts on which it sheds new light, and a revelation for all those interested in sculpture and the fascinating cultures of the “South Seas”.

Among the main lending museums are the British Museum in London, the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology of the University of Cambridge, the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium.

Website: www.fondazioneligabue.it

Location: Franchetti Palace, Venice

Schedule: until March 13, 2022

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