Maurizio Battista

Roman comedian Maurizio Battista
Tutti contro tutti – All against all
Maurizio Battista in Goldoni Theater

Among the first to start again with courage, presenting “Che Paese è il mio Paese” last year, the Roman comedian Maurizio Battista brings to the stage the show “Tutti contro tutti” (All against all).

Riding on the success of previous seasons, he manages to bring his talent, his irony and his genuineness around Italy with the same enthusiasm as always, and the desire to give moments of joy and fun to the suffering audience is stronger than any difficulty.

The new show is an amusing social analysis. To the questions: Is it really true …… that one is destined to live all against all? …. that one is forced to go along with the frenetic rhythms of life, often sending it out of control? ….. that social networks are the only moment of aggregation or rather the best way to alienate oneself and suffer from loneliness?  Battista responds with his unquestionable ability to make people laugh, and manages to unite all viewers in fun and laughter. The style is always brilliant and sharp, but at the same time moved and affectionately sharing humanity. Without ever forgetting the irony that gives a smile and makes life lighter.

The show “Tutti contro tutti” by Maurizio Battista is written with Gianni Quinto and Gianluca Giugliarelli and lasts about 120 minutes.


Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice

Schedule: April 23, 2022

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