Punta della Dogana presents the exhibition “Luogo e Segni”, curated by Martin Bethenod, Director of Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana, and Mouna Mekouar, independent curator.
“Luogo e Segni” (‘Place and Signs’) takes its title from a painting by Carol Rama included in the exhibition. The show brings together over one hundred works, by thirty artists, that establish a particular relationship with their urban, social, political, historical, intellectual setting.
Several artists, such as Berenice Abbott, Trisha Donnelly, R.H. Quaytman, Wu Tsang, and a number of works and series of works by Agnes Martin, Julie Mehretu, Anri Sala and Šejla Kamerić, Tatiana Trouvé, among others, are presented for the first time in an exhibition of the Pinault Collection in Venice. They are set up in relation with a selection of works that have marked the history of exhibitions at Punta della Dogana since its opening in 2009.
The show will be accompanied by an intense calendar of events, performances, talks and lectures that will take place at Punta della Dogana and at the Teatrino.
Website: www.palazzograssi.it
Location: Punta della Dogana, Dorsoduro 2 – Venice
Opening: March 24 – December 15, 2019
Ticket: up to €18