“Anime di Venezia – Souls of Venice” by Lorenzo Quinn is set to captivate audiences in Venice until September 29, 2024, as part of the Anniversary of Marco Polo celebrations coinciding with the 60th Biennale Arte. The installation comprises 15 statues crafted from metal mesh, representing the profound souls that have shaped the history of the Serenissima over the centuries.
Located in the Androne of Ca’ Rezzonico, the magnificent 18th-century Venetian Museum overlooking the Grand Canal, Quinn’s creation celebrates the timeless bond between Venice and its arts. It pays homage to the immortal Venetians who have left an indelible mark on the city’s cultural legacy.
An innovative addition to Quinn’s portfolio, “Anime di Venezia – Souls of Venice” integrates augmented reality to offer viewers a poetic and magical experience. Through this contemporary lens, the installation breathes new life into historical narratives, fostering a deeper connection with Venice’s rich heritage.
The project, developed in collaboration with the Civic Museums Foundation, has garnered support from the City of Venice and the Committee for the Celebrations of Marco Polo 700.
As a special preview, visitors to Palazzo Ducale will encounter Quinn’s sculpture of Marco Polo at the entrance to the Doge’s Apartments. This coincides with “The worlds of Marco Polo. The journey of a thirteenth-century Venetian merchant,” a major exhibition organized by the Civic Museums Foundation.
Lorenzo Quinn’s sculptural tribute to Venice’s luminaries, from Marco Polo to Antonio Vivaldi and Giacomo Casanova, underscores his commitment to capturing timeless values and authentic emotions. Through his art, Quinn invites us to explore the profound depths of human experience and the enduring legacy of those who have shaped history.
Website: www.visitmuve.it
Location: Palazzo Ducale and Ca’ Rezzonico Museum, Venice
Schedule: until Sept. 29,2024