“Lo zoo di vetro” (The Glass Menagerie), gracing the Goldoni Theater from April 18th to 21st, 2024, unveils a haunting tale of familial struggles, dreams, and the fragility of human existence. Set in the 1930s, Amanda, alongside her children, the introverted Laura and the discontented Tom, navigates the trials of a life marked by abandonment and shattered aspirations.
Amanda, abandoned by her husband, grapples with the daunting task of securing a stable future for her children, oscillating between tender care and overwhelming anxiety. Laura, physically marked by an illness and emotionally withdrawn, retreats into a world of illusions, spending her days tending to a delicate collection of glass animals, consumed by novels and music.
Tom, working at a shoe factory, yearns for more than the mundane routine. Aspirations of becoming a poet collide with the monotony of his existence, leading him to seek solace in late-night cinema visits, arousing his mother’s fears of alcoholism. Tennessee Williams’ masterful narrative interweaves dreams, fears, unfulfilled longings, and poignant illusions, encapsulating the essence of human emotions and existential struggles.
The theatrical rendition, translated by Gerardo Guerrieri and brought to life under the direction, scenic design, and costumes by Pier Luigi Pizzi, features a stellar cast including Mariangela D’Abbraccio, Gabriele Anagni, Pavel Zelinskiy, and Elisabetta Mirra. This soul-stirring production delves into the delicate intricacies of the human spirit, casting light on the fragility of existence and the resonance of inner turmoil.
Website: www.teatrostabileveneto.it
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Apr. 18 – 21, 2024