Alongside the 60th Venice Art Biennale, the engaging world of contemporary art is revisited with Chiara Dynys’ solo exhibition “Lo Stile” at the Dom Pérignon Rooms of Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art, on display through Sept. 15, 2024. Curated by Chiara Squarcina, Alessandro Castiglioni, and Elisabetta Barisoni, this exhibition offers a unique exploration of language and form in art.
As one of Italy’s most prominent contemporary artists, Chiara Dynys has always been known for her engagement with historical spaces, both architecturally and conceptually. “Lo Stile” continues this tradition by presenting a site-specific exhibition project specifically tailored for Ca’ Pesaro, promoted by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia.
The exhibition showcases Dynys’ reinterpretation of the linguistic synthesis of Neoplasticism, as pioneered by Piet Mondrian and the De Stijl movement. Through immersive environments created with light and matter, Dynys transforms the narrative of reality, inviting viewers to reconsider the centrality of language in art.
“Lo Stile” challenges conventional notions of style, offering a dynamic exploration of form and expression. In Dynys’ vision, everything has the potential to become style, provided that the diverse languages of artistic expression can converge to create new forms.
With its visually striking and thought-provoking installations, “Lo Stile” invites viewers to engage with the ever-evolving dialogue between art, space, and language, offering a renewed perspective on the relationship between form and content.
Location: Ca’ Pesaro Gallery, Venice
Schedule: until September 15, 2024