From February 14 to 16, 2025, the Goldoni Theater will stage Carlo Goldoni’s compelling comedy “La moglie saggia” (The Wise Wife) under the direction of Giorgio Sangati. The talented cast includes Ivan Alovisio as Count Ottavio, Camilla Semino Favro as Rosaura, Olga Rossi as Beatrice, and Aurora Cimino as Corallina, alongside Riccardo Gamba, Stefano Maria Iagulli, Giuseppe Nicodemo, Alberto Olinteo, and Andrea Tich.
Written in 1752, this singular play explores the struggles of Rosaura, the determined wife of Count Ottavio, who is smitten with the fiery Marchioness Beatrice. Caught in her husband’s desire to discard her, Rosaura refuses to surrender, wielding her intellect and the power of theater as tools for survival. Goldoni’s portrayal of Rosaura as a woman with a book in hand underscores her reliance on knowledge over love to secure her triumph.
“La moglie saggia” is a strikingly modern work, blending psychological insight with social critique. Rosaura’s victory unravels the moral decay of the aristocracy but comes at a personal cost, as her reasoned triumph also confines her emotionally. With echoes of Ibsen, this gripping psychological drama ventures into the interior labyrinths of its characters while masterfully balancing tragedy and comedy.
The play also intertwines lighter subplots, including the witty servants Harlequin and the aspiring bourgeois couple Corallina and Brighella, who offer a stark contrast to the volatile relationships of their masters. “La moglie saggia” is an unmissable theatrical journey, blending suspense, humor, and a profound critique of power and individualism.
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: February 14 – 16, 2025