On October 22, 2023, the enchanting Malibran Theater will host the grand performance of the two-act opera, “La figlia del Leone” (The Lion’s Daughter), a production brought to life by the visionary team at Le Sagome theatrical organization and production. Collaborating seamlessly with the Venice Chamber Orchestra, Coro Città di Piazzola sul Brenta, and Minimal Form, this opera promises an unforgettable journey through time, love, and the enduring spirit of Venice.
Set against the backdrop of Venice’s 1600th-anniversary celebrations, “The Lion’s Daughter” weaves a mesmerizing narrative that blurs the lines between reality and imagination. It’s a story that transcends the boundaries of time, connecting the past, present, and future of Venice in a poignant exploration of coexistence and eternal nostalgia.
At its heart, the opera is a solemn ode to love and mortality, with Venice herself emerging as the central character. As a city that has weathered the tempests of history, Venice stands as a symbol of fragility and resilience. Just as a woman might rise after a conceivable fate, Venice too finds the courage to stand tall and continue her timeless journey.
The cast, led by Soprano Sara Cortolezzis and Tenore Gianluca Moro as the Venice girl and boy, promises a performance filled with passion and artistry. Contralto Antonia Salzano, Mezzosoprano Serena Dominici, Soprano Elena Daniela Mazilu, and others bring the Nymphs and characters of Venice’s past, present, and future to life.
Under the guidance of Librettist, Composer, and Director Guglielmo Bianco, and with Conductor Pietro Semenzato, this opera is a testament to the creative genius of its makers. The staging, costumes, and video set design, masterfully crafted by talented artists, promise to transport the audience to the heart of Venice’s timeless narrative.
“The Lion’s Daughter” is a celebration of Venice’s enduring spirit, a tale of love and resilience that transcends time itself. Don’t miss this captivating opera at the Malibran Theater, where the echoes of Venice’s past, present, and future will come alive in a symphony of music and emotion.
Website: www.teatrolafenice.it
Location: Malibran Theater, Venice
Schedule: Oct.22, 2023