“I corpi di Elizabeth” (The Bodies of Elizabeth), gracing the Goldoni Theater from May 9th to 12th, 2024, unveils a riveting journey through the intricate life of Queen Elizabeth I, a woman who wielded power, cunning, and intellect to navigate the patriarchal constraints of her time. Ella Hickson’s thought-provoking comedy delves into the complexities of female authority and desire, especially in a society steeped in patriarchal dominance.
Hickson’s 2019 work, Swive [Elizabeth], casts a spotlight on the carnal essence of Queen Elizabeth I, torn between her desires as a woman and the demands of her political role. The play masterfully navigates the conflict between Elizabeth’s desiring female body and the symbolic, politically empowered persona she embodies as a queen in an era where submission or vulnerability were perceived as weaknesses. The struggle to balance personal desire against the responsibilities of power resonates throughout the queen’s journey.
Co-directed by Cristina Crippa and Elio De Capitani, this unique staging offers a fresh perspective, presenting Elizabeth’s tale through the dual portrayals of Elizabeth the princess and Elizabeth the queen, portrayed by Elena Russo Arman. The dynamic cast includes Maria Caggianelli Villani, Cristian Maria Giammarini, and Enzo Curcurù, each embodying pivotal figures in Elizabeth’s life with captivating depth.
Set against Carlo Sala’s innovative designs and Ferdinando Bruni’s evocative costumes, and translated by Monica Capuani, “The Bodies of Elizabeth” delivers a compelling narrative that resonates with contemporary audiences, shedding light on the complexities of feminine power and the enduring legacy of a monarch whose life remains a testament to strength, desire, and political acumen.
Website: www.teatrostabileveneto.it
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: May 9 – 12, 2024