“Farnace” is a musical drama in three acts by the composer Antonio Vivaldi with a libretto by Antonio Maria Lucchini. The work was staged for the first time at the Teatro Sant’Angelo in Venice, 10 February 1727 and was then repeatedly and deeply revised in the following years, before falling into oblivion like the rest of Vivaldi’s production. Only in the last quarter of the 20th century it emerged from obscurity.
For this version of the opera on show at the Malibran theater in Venice, the conductor is Diego Fasolis, the director is Christophe Gayral and the chorus master is Claudio Marino Moretti.
Cast: conductor Diego Fasolis; director Christophe Gayral; scenes Rudy Sabounghi; costumes Elena Cicorella; light designer Giuseppe Di Iorio; choir master Claudio Marino Moretti; Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro La Fenice.
Roles: Farnace Christoph Strehl; Berenice Lucia Cirillo; Tamiri Sonia Prina; Selinda Rosa Bove; Pompeo Valentino Buzza; Gilade Kangmin Justin Kim; Aquilio David Ferri Durà; child Pietro Moretti / Beatrice Zorzi.
Plot: Farnace, king of Pontus, was defeated by the Romans. He orders his wife Tamiri to kill their son and then herself to avoid their fall into the hands of the enemy. Tamiri’s mother, Berenice, hates Farnace and plans to kill him with the Roman victor Pompeo. Farnace’s sister Selinda is arrested by the Roman Aquilio, who falls in love with her, as well as Captain Gilade of Berenice. Selinda puts them against each other in an attempt to save her brother. Somehow, the story ends happily and everyone is saved.
Website: www.teatrolafenice.it
Location: Malibran Theater, Venice
Schedule: July 4 – 10, 2021
Time: Tue, Thu 7 pm / Sat, Sun 5 pm
Ticket: up to € 110