How to clean Murano glass?
Murano glass is a precious material that must be handled and treated with care to maintain its original value at all times. Therefore, it is important to clean Murano glass regularly to prevent its bright and brilliant colors from being dulled by dust that can settle over time.
When it is just a matter of dust, it will be sufficient to wipe the artifact periodically with a gentle dry duster or with a very soft cloth dampened only with slightly warm water. With two passes, the Murano glass object will be as good as new, and it will be good to make sure that it has dried completely, to avoid staining or damaging it later.
On the other hand, if the Murano glass artifact is very dirty, it will be necessary to clean it with slightly warm water but also with a little mild soap. Again, it is important to be very gentle during the cleaning process and be careful not to use abrasive products, such as ammonia, which could smear or ruin the glass. When you want to clean Murano glass, it is a good idea to equip yourself with calmness and patience: it is recommended never to wash two pieces together, because it would increase the risk of scratching them or, in general, damaging them. If it is then a matter of cleaning a Murano glass chandelier instead of an artifact, it is recommended to go around it instead of rotating it. Finally, jewelry should always be stored in a dry container that prevents exposure to oxidizing agents or environments.