Contract Hotel: Design for Luxury Hotels

Contract VéVé Glass
design for luxury hotels
contract hotel torcello panels

Contract Hotel: dress your hotel with VéVé Glass

Hotels and luxury accommodations have always been distinguished not only by their quality services, but also and above all by their refined furnishings and valuable artistic objects. These are environments capable of recreating a unique atmosphere, all to be savored and experienced in every single detail and emotion. In fact, more and more travelers want to experience unique and memorable experiences, right from the choice of the right facility for their stay!

Precisely for this reason, the projects for luxury accommodations and hotels represent to date the highest expression of the Contract Furniture formula: the “turnkey” project that allows to furnish every luxury hotel with very consistent and harmonious aesthetic and design lines, offering a stay of great comfort and welcome for particular type of guest.

Contract Hotel Furniture can be the perfect formula for larger accommodations, such as chains, but also for smaller, quaint hotels. The appeal of Contract Hotel, in fact, is precisely that of being able to harmonize the different environments of a hotel structure under a single theme. The lobby, rooms and additional services will share the same style, a distinct personality and be able to evoke great feelings.

Corallo sculpture

How then to furnish Luxury Hotels with Contract Furniture?

In a Contract Furnishing project for hotels and luxury accommodations, each client will be assigned a General Contractor, the contact person who will be in charge, together with the facility manager, of defining the budget, timeline and architectural style with which you want to furnish your luxury hotel.

When thinking about the architectural style for the furnishing of your Contract Hotel, it is always good to have characterized at the outset the type of end client you need to satisfy. Is it young couples? Of families with children? Or even people traveling for business? It is important to know the characteristics of one’s clientele, so as to better meet their needs for comfort and taste in design.

Once the general guidelines for the implementation of the project have been defined, the General Contractor will retrace and contact every different professional figure to carry out the work: from interior designers, craftsmen, and engineers to builders and electricians. In fact, the Contract Hotel project involves not only the furnishing of designer interiors, but also the execution of technical work, such as the expansion of rooms, the installation of electrical and security systems, and everything else needed to complete the commissioner’s luxury hotel to the fullest.

multicolored Manhattan sculpture

The Arredo Contract for Luxury Hotels with Murano glass by VéVé Glass

Very often, the proposals of custom furnishings contract for luxury hotels of VéVé Glass suggest the use of common and usually large spaces, such as the walls of the atriums (halls), event halls and areas conventionally, precisely, defined as common. Sometimes, however, the hotel contract furniture projects carried out by VéVé Glass are intended for even more private situations, but which are the recipients of messages of great attention and relevance to the facility’s Client.

Indeed, this is precisely the current trend in interior design: furnishing with “custom-made” works the environments of luxury hotels. Interior designers and architects are increasingly showing their interest in these particular objects that are able to embellish interiors, personalizing them as few accessories can do.

In this sense, the installations suggested by VéVé Glass for the contract furnishing of luxury hotels are true works of art in Murano glass that decorate the spaces enhancing a unique style and inimitable personality, as well as communicating great attention to the experience of each guest.

How not to mention the large modular and textural paneling that was installed in a luxury hotel in Russia, marvelous in its fluid and dynamic Torcello-like decor. Or again the large sculpture Corallo, which embellished with a vision of the seabed the large common room of another hotel in Bahrain. Still on the subject of sculptures, let us recall a last luxury hotel in Italy, in which the large lobby was divided and organized through the installation of a sort of glassed-in pool, enhanced by the colorful Manhattans sculptures, fixed on a special pedestal.

By relying on the turnkey project offered by VéVé Glass, it will be possible to enrich one’s accommodations with innovative glass design ideas, making one’s environments unique and sophisticated. Relying on your contact person, and therefore on the figure of General Contractor, it will be possible to determine the budget before starting the work, in order to contain the expenses, as well as free yourself from any burden with respect to the search for other professionals to carry out the work.

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