Prepare to embark on a captivating journey into the realms of shared memories with Marco Paolini’s thought-provoking show, “Boomers”, gracing the stage of the Goldoni Theater from November 30 to December 3, 2023. Produced in collaboration with Jolefilm and Teatro Stabile del Veneto, this production promises to be a theatrical experience like no other.
“Boomers” is the brainchild of Marco Paolini, a renowned author and director. Collaborating with Michela Signori and consultancy by Simone Tempia and Marco Gnaccolini, the creative team has poured their collective brilliance into crafting a narrative that delves deep into the corridors of memory.
The essence of “Boomers” lies in its exploration of memories. It offers a poignant reflection on the past—fragments of a world not too distant but irreversibly altered by the rapid transformations in landscapes, customs, and our ever-increasing reliance on pervasive technologies. As we stand on the precipice of a world where the lines between the virtual and the real blur, “Boomers” invites us to question the role of theater in this new reality.
Music takes center stage in “Boomers”, interweaving seamlessly with the narrative. A dynamic duo of musicians and the enchanting Patrizia Laquidara, renowned for her soul-stirring vocals, bring an enchanting musical dimension to the production. Patrizia embodies the character of Jole, a multifaceted figure of contemporary authorial music, who, in this performance, will transport the audience through the melodies of the Jole bar.
Marco Paolini, the narrator and guiding force of the production, breathes life into a chorus of characters inhabiting the stories of the Jole bar. With his storytelling prowess, he will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the hearts of the audience.
“Boomers” promises to be more than a mere theatrical experience—it’s a profound reflection on the interplay between memory and modernity. As the show unfolds, it challenges us to examine our own memories and the evolving landscapes of our lives in an age where memories themselves are being redefined.
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2023