Biennale Architettura 2023

Biennale Architettura
from May 20 to Nov. 26, 2023
Biennale Architettura 2023

The “Biennale Architettura 2023” is the 18th. International Architecture Exhibition organized by La Biennale di Venezia is open to the public from May 20 to Nov. 26, 2023. Curated by academic, educator and best-selling novelist Lesley Lokko, the exhibition, titled “The Laboratory of the Future” at Arsenale and Giardini venues, addresses themes such as lands, borders, migration, cultural identity, globalization and diasporic ties. It stands as a kind of artisan’s workshop, a laboratory in which architects and professionals from a wide range of creative disciplines trace a path made up of examples drawn from their activities and which the public, consisting of participants and visitors, walk through imagining for themselves what the future may hold.

Lesley Lokko commented: “A new world order is emerging, with new centres of knowledge production and control. New audiences are also emerging, hungry for different narratives, different tools and different languages of space, form, and place. After two of the most difficult and divisive years in living memory, architects have a unique opportunity to show the world what we do best: put forward ambitious and creative ideas that help us imagine a more equitable and optimistic future in common“.


Location: Arsenale and Giardini, Venice

Schedule: May 20 – November 26, 2023

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