Aurora Ensemble

Aurora Ensemble at La Fenice Opera House
Works by Tartini and Vandini
aurora ensemble

Inspired by Eos, the rosy-fingered goddess, the “Aurora Ensemble” was founded in 1986 by Enrico Gatti and other musicians keen on the study and performance of the Italian musical heritage. All members of the group have an accurate personal musical training, and have specialized and qualified in the most prestigious European schools such as the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, the Schola Cantorum of Basel, the Centre de Musique Ancienne of the Conservatory of Geneva, the Mozarteum in Salzburg, the Conservatoire Supérieure of Paris.

The members of the Aurora Ensemble are:

  • Enrico Gatti, violin
  • Gaetano Nasilo, cello
  • Anna Fontana, cembalo

The program in the Sale Apollinee at La Fenice Theater includes:

  • Giuseppe Tartini: Sonata B G17, Sonata n. B d1, Sonata B a10
  • Antonio Vandini: Cello Sonatas


Location: Sale Apollinee, La Fenice Opera House, Venice

Schedule: November 9, 2021

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