“Asteroide Amor” is the new theatrical show presented as part of Giovani a Teatro 2.0, promoted by the Venice Foundation. Curated by Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Università Iuav Venezia and Teatro Stabile del Veneto, for the first time the four institutions act together in Venice and create a system to encourage the relationship of young people with the theater arts.
The theatrical performances will run until Saturday, May 28, 2022. After the first four evenings at the Teatro Ca’ Foscari in Santa Marta, the shows will move to the Teatro Goldoni, continuing at the Ca’ Tron location of the IUAV University of Venice and concluding at the Teatro Ca’ Foscari.
The program includes:
- April 22: “OtellO“, a work freely adapted from William Shakespeare’s tragedy as part of a project created by Kinkaleri.
- May 3: “Earthbound ovvero le storie delle Camille“, the new creation by Marta Cuscunà, freely inspired by the text “Staying with the Trouble” by philosopher Donna Haraway.
- May 12: “Echoes“, with choreography by Cristina Kristal Rizzo and music by Frank Ocean.
- May 24: “Tutto brucia“, a show created and directed by Daniela Nicolò and Enrico Casagrande – Motus.
- May 28: “Inconsolable Darwin. (Un pezzo per anime in pena)“, written and directed by Lucia Calamaro for Sardegna Teatro and with Paola Atzeni as assistant director.
Website: www.fondazionedivenezia.org
Location: Teatro Ca’ Foscari, Santa Marta, Venice
Location: Teatro Goldoni, Venice
Schedule: until May 28, 2022