A theatrical masterpiece “Aspettando Re Lear” (Waiting for King Lear) graces the stage of the illustrious Goldoni Theater from November 2 to 5, 2023. This extraordinary play, written by Tommaso Mattei and directed by the talented Alessandro Preziosi, promises to deliver a riveting experience, exploring the disintegration of values in William Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy, “King Lear.”
Prepare to be enthralled as Alessandro Preziosi takes on the formidable role of King Lear, embodying the complexities and vulnerabilities of the tragic character. Joining him on stage are the immensely talented Nando Paone as Gloster, Roberto Manzi as Kent, Federica Fresco in a dual portrayal of Cordelia and the Mad, and Valerio Ameli as Edgar.
Under the artistic direction of Alessandro Preziosi, “Waiting for King Lear” delves into the climactic moment of the entire tragedy—the storm that besets Lear as he wanders through the desolate wasteland, seeking refuge from the treachery of his once-beloved daughters. Accompanied by the Earl of Kent, who conceals his identity as a servant, and the loyal Fool, who serves as a poignant reflection of Lear’s daughter Cordelia, the play presents an enthralling “distracted dialogue.”
The production, brought to life by Pato srl and TSV Teatro Stabile Veneto, is enriched by the mesmerizing compositions of Giacomo Vezzan. The performance promises to be a gripping exploration of the disintegration of the medieval and Renaissance values, culminating in an apocalyptic and bleeding earth.
Be prepared to be transported into a world of Shakespearean drama, as the characters grapple with the consequences of their actions, and the natural order unravels before their eyes. Don’t miss this unforgettable theatrical experience at the Goldoni Theater, where “Waiting for King Lear” promises to captivate and move audiences with its compelling narrative and exceptional performances. Secure your seats for this theatrical extravaganza and witness the tragic tale of King Lear unfold in all its emotive and profound splendor!
Website: www.teatrostabileveneto.it
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Nov. 2 – 5, 2023