Experience the enchanting world of theater within theater with Richard Strauss’ “Ariadne auf Naxos” gracing the stages of the illustrious La Fenice Opera House from June 21 to 30, 2024. In this captivating production, the lines between myth and farce blur, bringing forth a compelling narrative of artistry and entertainment.
This innovative rendition, co-produced with the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, presents a mesmerizing exploration of intertwining genres. A rich narrative unfolds in the Viennese gentleman’s mansion, where a collision of serious opera and Italian farce takes center stage. The clash between the commissioned opera “Ariadne auf Naxos”, orchestrated by a young and gifted composer, and the comical Italian farce, set the stage for an intriguing theatrical fusion.
Under the skilled direction of Paul Curran, a stellar cast brings the characters to life, featuring Sara Jakubiak as the Primadonna/Ariadne, John Matthew Myers as Der Tenor/Bacchus, and Olga Pudova portraying the vivacious Zerbinetta. Markus Werba, Äneas Humm, and an ensemble of talented performers embellish the tale with their stellar portrayals.
The La Fenice Theater Orchestra, led by the accomplished conductor Markus Stenz, delivers Strauss’ rich musical tapestry with finesse and depth, amplifying the drama and whimsy of the production. The visionary sets and costumes by Gary McCann, complemented by Howard Hudson’s evocative lighting, create a visual spectacle that enhances the opera’s allure, promising an enthralling theatrical experience at every turn.
Website: www.teatrolafenice.it
Location: La Fenice Opera House, Venice
Schedule: June 21 – 30, 2024