Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing musical voyage as the Ensemble Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Giacomo Loprieno, pays tribute to the legendary Italian composer in the enchanting show, “Alla scoperta di Morricone” (Discovering Morricone). This extraordinary performance will grace the stage of the Goldoni theater on October 27, 2023.
More than just a concert, “Discovering Morricone” is an immersive experience that takes you through the rich and diverse repertoire of the iconic Maestro Morricone. While you may recognize some of his famous melodies from timeless classics like “The Mission”, “The Legend of 1900”, “Once Upon a Time in the West”, “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso”, and “The Hateful Eight”, this show delves deeper. It introduces you to lesser-known yet equally exquisite compositions from Morricone’s vast body of work.
The journey through Morricone’s musical legacy extends across decades that have left an indelible mark on Italian and international cinema and music. Through words, suggestions, and solo performances, you’ll be guided through the enchanting melodies that have resonated with generations of music lovers and film enthusiasts.
The Ensemble Symphony Orchestra’s dedication to bringing these masterpieces to life is awe-inspiring. From the dramatic scores of “The Untouchables” to the whimsical charm of “The Lady Caliph” and the intricate harmonies of “The Inverse Canon”, this show promises to captivate your senses.
Moreover, “Discovering Morricone” pays homage to the female artists who have brought his compositions to life. You’ll be treated to Maestro Morricone’s songs, originally performed by illustrious talents like Dulce Pontes, Joan Baez, and Mina, reimagined in a breathtaking symphonic rendition.
This musical odyssey promises to be an unforgettable experience, celebrating the genius of Ennio Morricone and his enduring influence on the world of music and cinema. Don’t miss your chance to explore the magic of Morricone’s music in this extraordinary performance at the Goldoni theater.
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Oct. 27, 2023