The Goldoni Theater will host an unforgettable experience with the show “A Million Dreams”, performed by the renowned Big Vocal Orchestra on December 21 and 22, 2024. This extraordinary ensemble, known as the largest vocal formation in both Italy and Europe, features over 200 singers from Venice and has become a cultural phenomenon celebrated throughout the nation. Known for its powerful, immersive sound and the emotional impact of its performances, the Big Vocal Orchestra captivates audiences with its vast vocal range and unique musical selections.
Under the expert direction of Marco Toso Borella—a multi-talented artist from Murano often called the “Leonardo of Venice” for his remarkable achievements across different art forms—the choir delivers a concert-show unlike any other. The program spans a variety of musical genres, taking listeners on a journey from stirring film soundtracks to the uplifting rhythms of gospel and spirituals, from intricate classical polyphony to iconic pop-rock hits, as well as treasured pieces from classical music. Each piece is brought to life with original arrangements, dynamic solo performances, choreographed movements, theatrical readings, and enhanced by stunning video and lighting effects.
“A Million Dreams” is not just a concert; it’s a sensory experience. The Big Vocal Orchestra’s blend of voices, combined with Borella’s visionary direction, promises to deliver a breathtaking celebration of music and human connection that will resonate with audiences long after the final note. Don’t miss the chance to witness this Venetian gem in action at the Goldoni Theater!
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Dec. 21 – 22, 2024