From February 7 to 9, 2025, the Goldoni Theater presents “I parenti terribili” (Les Parents Terribles), Jean Cocteau’s masterful exploration of family dynamics, directed by and starring Filippo Dini as Georges. Joining him on stage are Mariangela Granelli (Yvonne), Milvia Marigliano (Léonie), Giulia Briata (Madeleine), and Cosimo Grilli (Michel).
Widely regarded as Cocteau’s most perfect theatrical work, “Les Parents Terribles” paints a sharp and cruel portrait of a family trapped in its own dysfunction. Breaking away from his earlier intellectual and esoteric style, Cocteau crafted a piece that adhered to the familiar conventions of bourgeois theater, creating a story that resonated with broader audiences. The result was one of his greatest successes, offering a compelling and darkly humorous look at the dynamics of a “terrible” family.
The story revolves around Michel, a spoiled young man deeply loved—perhaps too deeply—by his mother, Yvonne. When Michel announces his love for Madeleine, the family’s fragile harmony collapses. Yvonne spirals into despair, and long-hidden family secrets come to light, revealing the suffocating ties that bind and the devastating consequences of obsession.
Building on his acclaimed work in “A Doll’s House” and “August in Osage County”, Dini continues his exploration of familial chaos, blending sharp comedy and intense drama. With “Les Parents Terribles”, he offers a fresh, actor-focused interpretation of Cocteau’s timeless masterpiece. Don’t miss this unforgettable theatrical experience that redefines the concept of family drama.
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: February 7 – 9, 2025