Redentore 2024

Festa del Redentore
on July 20 and 21, 2024

Prepare for an unforgettable celebration steeped in history and tradition as Venice comes alive with the revered “Festa del Redentore” on July 20 and 21, 2024. This deeply cherished event holds profound significance for Venetians, dating back to 1577 when the city emerged from the clutches of a devastating plague.

The origins of the Feast of the Redeemer trace back to the construction of the Redentore church on Giudecca Island, commissioned by the citizens as a votive offering following the plague. Each year, the occasion is commemorated with the construction of a 330-meter-long votive bridge of boats that links the Redentore church to the Zattere, defining the southern edge of Venice.

While steeped in religious significance, the festival has evolved into a vibrant social affair, drawing thousands of visitors to experience the authentic essence of Venice. Festivities abound with boat processions, cultural events, and the pièce de résistance—the spectacular fireworks display illuminating the San Marco Basin. The night takes on an ethereal quality as fireworks paint the sky, casting a mesmerizing glow over the city’s domes, bridges, and shimmering waters, offering a visual symphony that captivates all who witness it.

The celebrations feature culinary delights rooted in Venetian gastronomy, including the irresistible flavors of bigoli in sauce, pasta and fasioi, anara col pien, sardines in saor, and bovoleti, adding a savory dimension to the festivities. The Redentore Regatta in the Giudecca Canal highlights the second day, showcasing thrilling races among traditional Venetian boats, further enriching the cultural tapestry of this historic event.

Join in the revelry, as Venetians and visitors alike come together to honor tradition, celebrate life, and partake in the joyous spirit of the Feast of the Redeemer, an occasion that unites past and present in a jubilant display of Venetian heritage and resilience.


Location: Venice

Schedule: July 20 – 21, 2024

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