Embark on an aquatic adventure at the Venice Boat Show, an illustrious gathering showcasing the epitome of maritime excellence, set to grace the historic Arsenale from May 29 to June 2, 2024. This prestigious event, nestled within the storied confines of the Arsenal, renowned for its pivotal role in Venice’s maritime history, promises an immersive experience celebrating the nautical world.
With 220 exhibitors unveiling 300 ships against the captivating backdrop of a vast water basin spanning 55,000 square meters, the Venice Boat Show presents a spectacle that mesmerizes sea aficionados and enthusiasts alike. Anchored next to 1,100 linear meters of piers and an additional 30,000 square meters of outdoor exhibition spaces, including the esteemed “Tese“, the event promises an unparalleled glimpse into maritime innovation.
Elevating the importance of sustainability, the show fosters discussions on environmental concerns while spotlighting educational and sporting activities intricately tied to the sea and lagoon. Embracing Venice’s maritime legacy, the exhibition unveils the latest strides in electric, hybrid, and hydrogen propulsion systems, a testament to the city’s commitment to technological advancement in maritime prowess.
Beyond its immersive displays, the Venice Boat Show boasts a rich tapestry of engagements, from specialized conferences, meetings, and presentations to exhibitions, art installations, and educational activities tailored for children. The event celebrates craftsmanship, design, technology, and nautical furniture, offering a comprehensive glimpse into the vibrant world of maritime innovation and heritage.
Website: www.salonenautico.venezia.it
Location: Arsenale, Venice
Schedule: May 29 – June 2, 2024