Renowned conductor Hartmut Haenchen returns to the prestigious stage of the La Fenice Opera House, leading the Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice in a captivating celebration of Anton Bruckner, commemorating the bicentennial anniversary of the composer’s birth. Across two exceptional concerts scheduled on February 17 and 18, 2024, Maestro Haenchen, revered in the musical panorama, graces the audience with his unparalleled expertise, directing Bruckner’s Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major WAB 104, known as the “Romantic Symphony”.
Anton Bruckner commenced the composition of the Fourth Symphony in January 1874, completing it by November of the same year. Despite this seemingly short genesis, the symphony underwent a prolonged process of re-elaboration that spanned almost the entirety of Bruckner’s life. The piece exists in three distinct versions, a testament to Bruckner’s commitment to refining and perfecting his creation. Nevertheless, the “Romantic Symphony”, as named by Bruckner himself, swiftly captivated audiences, emerging as one of his most beloved and accessible compositions, exuding undeniable charm and a clear romantic essence.
This symphony, underscored by Bruckner’s express intentions, evokes the enchanting allure of unspoiled nature through the mystical sounds of the horn, symbolizing woodland elements, hunting scenes, and the harmonious melodies of birds. Additionally, it encompasses evocative references to the ancient medieval world, prominent themes within the nineteenth-century romantic culture.
Haenchen’s masterful direction promises a mesmerizing rendition of Bruckner’s “Romantic Symphony”, delivering an enchanting experience that celebrates the essence of Bruckner’s musical genius. Moreover, preceding the concert on Saturday, February 17, 2024, the audience will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the musical program through an insightful pre-concert lecture by musicologist Roberto Mori, enriching the overall concert experience at the Teatro La Fenice.
Location: La Fenice Opera House, Venice
Schedule: Feb. 17 – 18, 2024