Embark on a vibrant journey of Shakespearean comedy as “The Merry Wives of Windsor” takes center stage at the Goldoni theater from December 28, 2023, to January 1, 2024. This timeless production, bearing the ethos of the Order of the Garter, unravels the captivating tale of human folly, mischief, and societal dynamics.
Director Andrea Chiodi draws parallels between the play and the era’s societal constructs, remarking on the slogan, “Honi soit qui mal y pense!” found on the Order’s rosettes, emphasizing the idea of laughing at others’ misfortunes as bourgeois behavior. This comedic tale weaves a narrative of a society devoid of chivalrous values, capturing a world akin to contemporary stories like “Human Capital” by Paolo Virzì.
The director’s vision unfolds through an evocative portrayal, encapsulating characters within an imaginary English country club, brought to life by Guido Buganza’s sets and Ilaria Ariemme’s costumes. Marta Ciappina’s scene movements enrich the play’s vibrancy, depicting a lively fusion of farces, dances, and occasional bouts of violence, complemented by Daniele D’Angelo’s contrasting musical score.
The stellar cast, led by Eva Robin’s as Mistress Quickly, Davide Falbo as Sir John Falstaff, and the dynamic performances of Angelo Di Genio (Frank Ford), Francesca Porrini (Mistress Ford), Riccardo Gamba (George Page), Sofia Pauly (Mistress Page), Nicola Ciaffoni (Robert Shallow, Felton), Ottavia Sanfilippo (Anne Page, Robin), Pierdomenico Simone (Abraham Slender, Pistol, Doctor Caius) and others, promises a compelling and immersive theatrical experience. With each character intricately interwoven into this vivid tapestry, the performance promises laughter, intrigue, and a delightful glimpse into the intricate social dynamics of Shakespearean comedy.
Website: www.teatrostabileveneto.it
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Dec. 28, 2023 – Jan. 1, 2024