Prepare to be enchanted by Emma Dante’s poignant two-act show, “Il Tango delle Capinere” (The Tango of Blackcaps), which will grace the stage of the Goldoni theater from December 14 to 17, 2023. This deeply moving performance delves into the heart of human memory, weaving a tapestry of emotions through the art of theater.
The protagonists of this soul-stirring narrative are Sabino Civilleri and Manuela Lo Sicco, whose exquisite performances promise to resonate long after the final curtain call.
“Il Tango delle Capinere” is a captivating exploration of a chapter from Emma Dante’s renowned “La trilogia degli occhiali” (The Glasses Trilogy). In this theatrical adaptation, Dante focuses on the story of “Ballarini“, breathing life into their lives and memories in a mesmerizing manner.
The play centers around two elderly lovers who, through the universal language of dance, revisit their shared past. As they elegantly sway to the melodies of old songs, they unlock a treasure trove of memories, much like opening a trunk filled with keepsakes. In this delicate dance of remembrance, they celebrate a bygone New Year’s Eve, and a mosaic of moments unfolds, painting a poignant portrait of the passage of time.
“Il Tango delle Capinere” is a celebration of life, love, and the enduring power of memory. Through Emma Dante’s masterful direction, audiences are invited to share in the poignant journey of these two characters as they navigate the bittersweet terrain of aging and nostalgia.
This evocative performance promises to touch the depths of the human soul, reminding us all of the beauty found in our collective memories and the enduring power of love. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness this intimate and emotionally resonant theatrical masterpiece at the Goldoni theater.
Location: Goldoni Theater, Venice
Schedule: Dec. 14 – 17, 2023