Prepare for a thought-provoking journey into the depths of human existence as philosopher Umberto Galimberti takes center stage on October 19th at the Malibran Theater during the Festival of Ideas. In his highly anticipated lectio magistralis, Galimberti will delve into the profound topic of “The Illusion of Freedom”.
Galimberti’s assertion that “we are always determined by our identity, we are never free” challenges conventional notions of liberty and autonomy. He provocatively suggests that freedom, as we commonly understand it, is merely an illusion. This bold perspective opens a door to reevaluating our understanding of human agency and the choices we make.
The philosopher’s emphasis on the importance of ideas, and the need to subject them to rigorous criticism, underscores the essence of intellectual exploration. Galimberti reminds us that while science can provide knowledge, the art of critical thinking is essential to navigating the complexities of existence. It’s through this exercise of thought that we can discern whether our beliefs are well-founded or simply ingrained habits of the mind.
Umberto Galimberti’s intellectual journey is as fascinating as his insights. Born in Monza in 1942, he has emerged as one of the most respected contemporary philosophers. His early encounters with philosophers like Karl Jaspers, a pioneer of existentialism, greatly influenced his philosophical development. Over the years, Galimberti has made significant contributions to fields ranging from philosophy of history to cultural anthropology.
As a scholar, he’s delved into the works of influential thinkers like Heidegger, Jung, and, notably, Jaspers, becoming a leading authority in their interpretation. His expertise has not only enriched academia but has also made its way into the public sphere through his columns in prominent publications like Repubblica and his appearances as a sought-after television commentator.
“The Illusion of Freedom” promises to be a captivating exploration of human nature, identity, and the complex interplay between freedom and determinism. Umberto Galimberti’s lecture invites us to challenge our preconceptions, engage in critical self-reflection, and embark on a philosophical journey that transcends the boundaries of the mind. Don’t miss this enlightening event at the Festival of Ideas, where profound insights await.
Location: Malibran Theater, Venice
Schedule: Oct. 19, 2023