Pupo di zucchero

Pupo di zucchero – Sugar baby
a play freely inspired by fairy tales
Pupo di zucchero - Sugar baby

Freely inspired by “Lo cunto de li cunti” by Gianbattista Basile, the show written and directed by Emma Dante tells the story of an old man who, in order to defeat his loneliness, invites the dead of his family to dinner in their ancient home. On the night of November 2, the day of the dead, he leaves the doors open to let them in.

Left alone in the empty house, the old man prepares a traditional dish to honor the feast. With water, flour and sugar, the old man kneads “the bait for the fish in the sky“: the “pupo di zucchero” (sugar baby), an anthropomorphic figure painted in bright colors.

While waiting for the dough to rise, he recalls the deceased members of his family and the house is filled with memories and life: Mama, an old woman with a “core tremmolante” (trembling heart), the young father lost at sea, the sisters Rosa, Primula and Viola “tre ciuri c’addorano ‘e primmavera” (three flowers adoring spring), the family friend Pedro from Spain who is consumed with love for Viola, Uncle Antonio and Aunt Rita who “s’abboffavano ‘e mazzate” (in constant quarrel), Pasqualino the adopted son.

In “Pupo di zucchero” death is not taboo, it is not scandalous, what the old man sees and shows us is an inseparable part of his life. Filled with memories, the room becomes a ballroom where the dead rediscover their habits and celebrate life.

Website: www.teatrostabileveneto.it

Location: Goldoni Theatre

Schedule: December 16 – 17, 2021

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